The 10 Rituals of Radiant Living By Robin Sharma

Get the 10 rituals of radiant living from a famous book “The monk who sold his Ferrari” by Robin Sharma, which talks about how you can live a meaningful life
One day I was in a book-store to find a good book to read. Then I got a book with the name “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.” I was amazed by the title like what type of book is this?
I just read the summary behind the book and bought it. I started reading at the same moment and I found that it was so intrigued that I forget about the time.
After reading the book, I learned a lot and incorporated several lessons into my life, including the ones that involve positive thinking, visualizing goals, and more.
Again, these are not new concepts and have been discussed in many other books, but the book presents a great collection of useful concepts that you might want to try out.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is a fable written by a world-known motivational writer Robin Sharma, about a high-profile 7 figured lawyer, Julian Mantle whose life was centered around money, power, and prestige.
From the outside, Julian Mantle was living a superstar lifestyle, but truth be told he was constantly under a tremendous amount of stress, becoming overweight and sick and tired.
One day in the courtroom he had a heart attack and after that, he dropped out of the game and disappeared.
He sold all his possessions and went to India. This ultimately led him onto a journey to seek answers in the Himalayan mountains.
He met some sages who lived in the Sivana region in the Himalayas who taught him the 10 rituals to live a radiant life and making him promise he’d pass on their teachings.
When he came back to his country, he was a changed man. He shared those teachings with his former associate (and the reader).
The 10 Rituals of Radiant Living are:
It is an interesting book about how can you achieve your goals and dreams of your life by adopting some daily simple habits or the 10 Rituals of Radiant Living.
Let’s read:
1. The Ritual of Early Awakening
One of the best pieces of advice I learned was to awake early and to start the day off well. Most of us sleep far more than we need to.
The average person needs 6 hours of sleep to be healthy and alert. Sleep is really nothing more than a habit and like any other habit, you can train yourself to achieve the result you want.
You will always feel a little discomfort when you are installing a new habit. I suggest you start by waking up half an hour early.
Like if you wake up at 7, set your alarm for 6:30 and after few days try to wake up at 6 and so on. I tried this formula and it worked. I hope it will work for you as well but you have to try once.
2. The Ritual of Solitude
This involves nothing more than ensuring that your daily schedule includes a mandatory period of peace.
It can last as little as fifteen minutes or as much as fifty, wherein you explore the healing power of silence and come to know who you really are.
So always make a few minutes to practice silence after waking up. Sitting with yourself connects you to your creative source and releases the limitless intelligence of the Universe.
In our chaotic world, most people’s minds are not still. We are full of inner turbulence. By simply taking the time to be still and quiet every day, brings with it a wealth of benefits including a deep sense of well-being, inner peace, and boundless energy.
You will even sleep better and enjoy a renewed feeling of balance in your day-to-day activities.
3. The Ritual of Physicality
This is based on the principle that says as a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Take some time every single day to nourish the temple of your body through some exercises.
Get your blood circulating and your body moving. Your health is the most precious thing you have in all. So why can’t you give it at least 30 minutes daily? Just start with 30 minutes of body movement and see the miracles.
4. The Ritual of Live Nourishment
A poor diet has a pronounced effect on your life. It drains your mental and physical energy. It affects your moods and it hampers the clarity of your mind. Live foods are the answer.
Live foods are foods that are not dead – foods that are created through the natural interaction of the sun, air, soil, and water – a vegetarian diet. Fill your plate with fresh vegetables, fruits, and grains and you might just live forever.
5. The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge
This centers around the whole notion of lifelong learning and expanding your knowledge base for the good of yourself and all those around you. Knowledge is only potential power, though.
For the power to be manifested, it must be applied. The Ritual of Abundant Knowledge is all about becoming a student of life.
Even more importantly, it requires that you use what you have learned in the classroom of your existence. So keep your mind stimulated with a bit of reading or studying.
6. The Ritual of Personal Reflection
Did you do your best today? What could you have done better? By taking the time to get to know yourself, you will connect to a dimension of your being that you never knew you had.
You see, we all have many sleeping talents inside of us. by taking the time to get to know them, we kindle them.
This practice will make you stronger, more at ease with yourself, and wiser. Personal reflection is nothing more than the habit of thinking.
The problem is that most people think just enough to survive. What I am speaking about with this ritual is thinking enough to thrive.
7. The Ritual of Music
Never forget the power of music. Spend a little time with it every day, even if it is listening while you drive to work. When you feel down or weary, play some music.
Create your playlists and listen to them according to your mood. You can also learn to play any musical instrument and enjoy your time with that.
8. The Ritual of Spoken Word
Words affect the mind whether they are spoken or written, they are the most powerful influencers. While what you say to others is important, even more, important is what you say to yourself.
Reciting mantras is a practice that is immensely effective in keeping you focused, strong, and happy. A mantra is nothing more than a collection of words strung together to create a positive effect.
In Sanskrit, ‘man‘ means ‘mind‘ and ‘tra‘ means ‘freeing.’ So the mantra is a phrase that is designed to free the mind.
When I need to feel motivated, I repeat, ‘I am strong, able, and calm.‘ I even use mantras to keep me youthful and vital.
If you say that you are old and tired, this mantra will be manifested in your external reality. If you say you are weak and lack enthusiasm, this too will be the nature of your world.
But if you say that you are healthy, dynamic, and fully alive, your life will be transformed.
You see, the words you say to yourself affect your self-image and your self-image determines what actions you take. So write down a short mantra for yourself to repeat throughout the day.
9. The Ritual of Congruent Character
Simply stated, this ritual requires you to strengthening your character that affects the way you see yourself and the actions you take.
The actions you take come together to form your habits and your habits lead you to your destiny.
Living this way will inevitably lead you to spiritual success. Always follow your principles. Write them down, be aware of them, and stick to them.
10. The Ritual of Simplicity
This ritual requires you to live a simple life. Focus only on your priorities, those activities which are truly meaningful. Your life will be uncluttered, rewarding, and exceptionally peaceful.
I have stopped collecting unnecessary things, I have stopped needing to be available to everyone all the time, I have become a vegetarian and I eat less.
Unless you reduce your needs, you will never be fulfilled. You will always want more than you have.
These rituals have proved to me like a miracle. An ideal morning routine leads to a good day, which, ultimately, leads to a good life.

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