
50 Best Random Acts of Kindness to Make a Difference



Random acts of kindness are the smallest things you can do without any much effort. To do so you need to stop chasing your life goal or sacrificing anything.

“What is the essence of life? To serve others and to do good.” – Aristotle.

To draw a line from what Aristotle has said, life isn’t just about doing good for yourself, but also entails what you do for others.

In this 21st Century, the majority of us are running in this rat race – not knowing exactly what we’re running for!

Although we have certain goals for ourselves, like getting the desired promotion, buying a luxurious apartment or a fancy car, going for a vacation abroad or just investing in order to accumulate more wealth.

The rise of consumerism & materialism has blinded us to such an extent, that we often don’t feel the pain of hundreds of those people, who go to sleep every night with a half-filled stomach.

I can understand if it’s hard for you to think about others always, but then, it won’t be that hard to do something worthy once in a while.

You can keep chasing in your goals for life, but take a moment to pause and think about what & how you can serve those who aren’t as lucky as you are.

Trust me when I say this, it’ll surely make you a happier person.


Random acts of kindness:

  1. Donate your unused goods to a charity or person who needs them
  2. Bring flowers to a senior in a nursing home
  3. Put your change in a donation box
  4. Bring old blankets to an animal shelter
  5. Feed the birds
  6. Sign an organ donation card
  7. Smile at a stranger
  8. Give-up your seat in public transport to a pregnant woman (or to an elder)
  9. Leave your car home and take public transportation
  10. Send your child’s teacher a thank you note
  11. Use reusable cutlery instead of plastic
  12. Donate blood to the needy
  13. Buy a meal for a homeless person
  14. Sort your recycling into papers, glass, plastic, and metals
  15. Share your umbrella
  16. Leave a nice note in a library book
  17. Water a neighbor’s plants when they are away
  18. Hold the elevator door for someone
  19. Write a LinkedIn recommendation for a co-worker
  20. Give a compliment to someone you don’t know
  21. Go Plant a tree
  22. Call an old friend just to say hi
  23. Pick-up trash in a park
  24. Help somebody to move house
  25. Pass on an inspirational book to someone who needs it
  26. Contribute to crowdfunding to help
  27. Like and share on social media
  28. Praise someone’s work
  29. Make someone laugh
  30. Shop for someone who is ill
  31. Help someone you know looking for a job
  32. Send a letter of love and support to someone going through a hard time
  33. Make dinner for a family in need
  34. Participate in International Good Deeds Day
  35. Hold open the doors for people
  36. Plan a surprise birthday party for someone
  37. Be kind to yourself
  38. Buy Christmas gift for someone in need
  39. Help your elder in some technical stuff
  40. Feed stray dogs or adopt one if you can
  41. Spend a day at an orphanage and teach the children
  42. Give your water to someone thirsty
  43. Read a holy book to your grand parents
  44. Spend a day without doing any complain
  45. Take your house help for lunch
  46. Say THANK YOU to everyone who helped you in any way
  47. Help your mother/wife in kitchen
  48. Write a letter to your parents very often
  49. Give hand written postcards to your friends, partner, collegue etc.


Can you think of other ways to make someone’s day? I’d love to hear about random acts of kindness that you have done.


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