A to Z Of Keeping Yourself Motivated

Thinking how to self-motivate yourself? Here’s the A to Z of keeping yourself motivated and taking a deeper look at life.
Keep motivate yourself in day-to-day life, doing simple things, and being connected to yourself.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain.
There are days when we feel super energetic and absolutely enthusiastic to win over the world, and then there are days when it feels like getting out of bed is the most difficult thing!
But no matter what, life goes on! If you are looking for some motivation to keep yourself going on a daily basis, then this article will surely get you to get started.
Go through it and know about the A to Z of keeping yourself motivated!
A – Always try to do your best. Remember what you plant now, you’ll harvest it later.
No matter what, you have to give 100% every time. Sometimes it’s not easy and you have to be patient, but if you put your heart into what you’re doing, you will not have regrets later.
B – Be yourself. everyone else is already taken!
In a world where we are told that we can be anything we want to be, we cannot be anyone that we want to be – so let’s just accept it.
You can be a writer, an artist, or an astronaut but you have no choice but to be yourself. Know that you’re the best when you are in your true self.
C – Create something wonderful today.
Today is a new day, full of new possibilities. It’s time to motivate yourself and push a little – to create something new.
Create what you believe in, what you are passionate about, and don’t let anyone tell you that what you’re creating doesn’t matter.
D – Don’t overthink.
Thinking about something in endless circles — is exhausting. I’m no different – and I do overthink at times.
But mostly, I choose not to. I know you’ll barely have control over your thoughts – but if something is bothering you terribly, try and talk to someone or indulge in doing something mindfully, like cooking or go for a run that’ll distract you for good.
E – Express yourself as much as you can.
Expressing ourselves effectively is important and not as easy as it might seem. When emotions run high, it’s hard to articulate what you need.
Often we don’t know what to say, or maybe not sure about how to articulate our thoughts. Maybe we’re afraid of being judged or rejected. Sometimes, we muddle the conversation by bringing up the past.
But for once – stop thinking of all these and just try being yourself, speaking your heart & mind out to someone you trust.
F – Feel grateful to be alive.
There might be several things that aren’t going right, and your life might look like a mess – but pause for a while, and breathe.
This, in itself, is a blessing. Being alive is one of the most beautiful things ever – so, feel grateful for the life you have and try to make the most of today.
Start your gratitude journal by following these simple steps.
G – Give your best shot in whatever you choose to do.
You might not be perfect in whatever you’re doing, maybe you’re just learning or trying to gather skills for getting something done. But make sure that you give your 101% in whatever you choose to do.
H – Happiness lies within you, so just feel it.
Most of us look for happiness outside. We look for happiness in money, in people around us, in materialistic things, etc…however, happiness is something that is within us. So feel the immense amount of positive energy that is there in you.
I – Impermanence is the mantra of life.
‘Remember, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday!’ – nothing in this world is permanent and change is the only constant. So whatever is bothering you right now, will not be there forever.
Similarly, good things won’t last for long – just as the day gives way to the night. Make peace with it and embrace the mantra of ‘Impermanence’.
J – Jealousy is your worst enemy, push it aside.
As long as you’ll keep comparing yourself with someone else and think that they’re doing better than you, you’d keep harming yourself.
Jealousy is one of your worst enemies, and it won’t do any good – rather, it would just keep adding negative vibes to life. So, just push it aside.
K – Knowledge is your best friend – embrace it.
Knowledge gives us the ability to survive and thrive in the world. More knowledge helps us to make better decisions, as well as to decide the logical and ethical grounds on which we want to be making our decisions.
L – Love unconditionally.
To love someone under any circumstance is a true test of unconditional loving, and although it may seem simple, it is probably one of the toughest attributes to possess. It’s very important that we learn to love selflessly and feel the bliss.
M – Mindful steps would take you further.
Mindfulness calls on us to notice when our thoughts have drifted to the past or wandered into the future, and when we are regretting, fantasizing, or worrying rather than engaging with what is right in front of us. Live in the moment and take mindful steps that’ll make you feel content.
N – Need and want are different. Focus on what you need and what you want, separately.
Many a time, we confuse our wants with our needs, which can lead to disappointment and distraction. It’s important to be clear about what you need – which, in general, are very basic – like food, shelter, clothes, fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink, close friends and family, etc.
Our wants are those desires which make life a little more fancy and enjoyable – but even if we don’t get them, life would still move on.
O – Optimize your time.
We’ve all grown up listening to this proverb – ‘Time & tide wait for none!’ This is so true – the time gone now will never be back – and if you waste it doing nothing, you’d probably regret later. Time management is a skill that we all need to develop.
P – Practise will make you perfect.
Well, it’s not always necessary to attain perfection in everything you do – but if you really put your heart & soul into something and keep practicing, to hone your skills, you’ll surely get better at it.
Q – Question yourself & your actions.
Often, we forget to assess ourselves and never realize that it hinders our growth. To be honest, it’s extremely necessary to question ourselves and our actions – ‘Why am I doing this?’ – ‘Do I really need to feel this way?’ – ‘How good did I perform?’ – ‘How am I feeling now?’ – so on and so forth! It’s important to pay attention to ourselves, just of the sake of self-growth.
R – Resilience & courage are the two most important pillars of life.
Resilience is best served when we actively participate in supporting our physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health each and every day. And when added with the attribute of courage, they act as the most important pillars of life.
S – Soothe your soul.
We provide nutritious food to our bodies. We read and enhance knowledge for your mind. But what do we do to soother our soul? Never thought about it, right? Well, most of us often skip this part – and fail to pay adequate attention to our soul.
Take an hour’s digital detox, cut yourself from the world, meditate, or sit with your journal and write your heart out, go for a walk or just sit by the window watching the sunset.
T – Travel as much as you can!
Travel teaches us valuable lessons and can be one of the ways to live a better life, as we explore the bigger world that lies beyond our comfort zone. Travel as long as you can and make every single journey a big adventure for your memories.
Not only will it help you to appreciate things but it’ll also make you realize that there’s so much that we would never have got to know if we never traveled.
U – Uniqueness will help you stand out from the crowd.
It’s extremely important to focus on your individuality and standing out from the crowd assists in captivating the mass’ attention, thereby making potentials and talents easily noticed.
Naturally, the human brain is programmed in such a way that we tend to notice the difference before the indifferent. Whether it’s your talent, or personality, or elegance that might make you noticeable – focus on that and hone it.
V – Victory will be the inevitable result of your commitment and dedication.
The primary factor behind a successful person is his/her level of dedication, which signifies the commitment of a person towards achieving objectives and life goals. If you think you’ll achieve something without putting your hard work – then you’re just making a fool of yourself.
In order to be successful, one needs to be committed and dedicated – and that will once help in creating the path to success.
W – Wellness is important – it’s the complete integration of body, mind, and spirit.
Make sure to focus on your complete wellness, in order to bloom as your best. The mind-body-spirit connection is a wondrous thing.
Understanding, supporting, and tapping into its power are three pillars of holistic healing and manifesting your true desires.
Together, these three always-entwined aspects of oneself – the physical, mental, and spiritual – combine to make us who we wholly are.
X – Xanadu is real – you just need to find it.
Most people think that ‘Xanadu‘ is an imaginary place while others think that it’s somewhere in China, which used to be the summer capital of Kublai Khan’s Yuan empire! Well, let me tell you that the real meaning of Xanadu is a place of breathtaking beauty and contentment.
Thus, to me, Xanadu is something very very real – and one just needs to find it. It can be the cozy corner of your home or your favorite coffee shop where you can spend hours reading a book & sipping your mocha!
Y – Young & wild will turn to old and wise!
You definitely can’t be old and wise if you’ve never been wild and stupid when you were young! Being carefree, making mistakes, falling down, and breaking apart are things that we should experience when we’re young – for they hold the best lessons of life, that’ll endow us with meaningful virtues that we tend to carry for a lifetime.
Z – Zero is supposed to be nothing, but works wonders if on the right side.
Zero may mean emptiness; however, at the same time, it is a perfect balance between positive and negative, forming equilibrium. Alternatively, it is infinite, as it has no beginning or end. Zero is mysterious – and often, when added on the right side, it just increases the value.
Happiness need not be a vague term or illusion that you’re constantly chasing after – with no end in sight.
By finding your true motivation, you’ll be one step closer to realizing your happiness and finding meaning in all things you do. So get up and get going, ‘coz you never know when you might just need it 🙂
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