Health & Fitness
Become A Morning Warrior: 3 Reasons to Start Your Day Early

There is something about the stillness of the morning that allows us to better prepare for the day ahead. Although the sun may not be up yet, our focus becomes brightened with the light from a quiet mind, illuminating a plan for a day’s productive tasks.
As someone who grew up in New York City, I am all too familiar with a lot happening simultaneously while having to rush and multitask. Time becomes blurred, and we no longer have control of our lives when we are at the mercy of societal factors we can’t plan for.
Setting aside a few hours to wake up early gives structure to our lives by allowing us to organize our thoughts and create an order to prioritize which obstacles to handle first.
Confidence and self-esteem are gained, knowing that we have a head start on the day ahead when the rest of the world is still asleep on deadlines. Let’s discover the gems hidden in the precious wee hours while others are dreaming.
Setting A Tone
Waking up early creates an identity that looks forward to starting the day instead of weighing ourselves down with procrastination and doubts. Starting the day off on the right note translates to how the rest of the day’s song will play out, and that all starts when the crickets are singing, and the highways are quite.
From the moment we remove the covers from our bodies, we dictate our dedication towards the plan we have in place to attack.
Our moods can be easily affected by mishaps and bad news as our minds filter vacuums in the muck of a hard day’s work. By the time we come home, that romantic spark we had with an idea is sometimes put out by the cold dampness of other people’s baggage thrown onto us.
How we keep that fire burning longer is growing the heat of our passions in the untouched morning solace.
These precious hours should not be squandered, but used as an avenue to create the unexpected in a proactive and fun way. Choices are more colorful and creative, decision-making is sharper, and willpower is more stable before the wear and tear of our daily battles. Creating a morning routine with a smile on our faces promotes the right attitude to negate any negativity that may come our way.
Physical Health
It’s safe to say all of us want to be healthy but to be healthy, our comfort zones will have to be breached by ridding the layers of blankets and pillows that can smother us in missed opportunities to grow.
Staying up late to watch our favorite Netflix series all night may have to hit the back burner if we want to burn off what is causing the sand in the clock to pour to the bottom faster to our expiration.
Setting aside time to go for a short run before our shift, shifts our perception of the amount of miles we have left in the race to success.
Early risers have the time to make a healthier breakfast, but when rushing from being late, we must compromise on a cleaner, nutritious meal for a fast pickup loaded with fats and processed sugar.
We must grace ourselves with the extra time to prepare the correct foods that will not only make us feel good but please our internal bodily systems. Set the alarm clock to signal the availability to intake the nutritional foods, which also positively affects mood and energy.
Our robust work schedules should not be an excuse for why we can’t get our muscles activated. Before the sun hits our eyes, the alarm should remind us to hit the gym or run.
This reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease rather than procrastinating our well-being for a paycheck. The peak of our fitness limits starts with how soon we are willing to work for it.
Before we do our first set of squats or pushups, we need to master the simple exercise of sitting up from our comfy mattress when we may not want to.
Mental Health
Mental health has never been talked about more than it has been now. Scientific studies from various sources all agree that depression and other anxiety-related issues are decreased when going to bed early and waking up early.
Erratic sleeping patterns lead to self-inflicting factors causing poor habit development. The stress of throwing our bodies from one place to another without self-examination and preparations causes thoughts to be jumbled around without any concrete understanding of what is to come or happening to us.
As much as the smartphone or tablet is a resourceful tool from an intelligent information retriever standpoint, let’s face it: it’s also the most distracting interface on the face of the earth.
We need these devices to go about most of our work, so it’s not entirely avoiding them, but when we sit in the wee hours, we can silence the noise from social media platforms and focus on the self.
Time has more quality when fewer distractions can throw us off course from getting that much closer to achieving our reward for the day. That mechanism of our internal reward system makes us feel good.
Distractions and outside noise can misconstrue the whispers in the morning’s wee hours, guiding us in completing a workout or studying for an important assignment.
Concluding Thoughts
The early mornings provide a tranquility that can be heard in the natural sounds of life around us. In those melodies, we are guided to fresh new ideas untouched by the wretched sounds of opposing opinions and judgment of ignorant tongues.
The clock’s first ticks birth innocent dreams to open the eyes of time to a sunrise of growing goals.
Waking up early is an art form like most other crafts; it requires repetition and a open mind for what it brings. I get how annoying or painful it can be, but once we start our days early, the addiction to being ahead of the day becomes overwhelming.
Becoming the morning warrior to take on the day begins with telling ourself the night before that you will get an hour, ten minutes, or even 5 minutes closer to checking off the check sheet of personal and external goals.
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