Mental Health
7 Habits That’d Make You A Mentally Strong Woman

Some of the habits that make you a mentally strong woman are – getting time for yourself, indulging in self-love, avoiding toxic people and embracing happiness.
On today’s date, women are nowhere less than men. We are capable enough to manage kids and run a family, as well as rule a country as a Prime Minister, or travel to space!
Yeah, women are unstoppable and there’s no denial of the fact that we can achieve anything.
In this 21st Century, women across the world are creating massive impacts with their decisions and actions – whether it’s Malala Yousafzai who’s raising her voice for girls’ education, Greta Thunberg who’s advocating climate changes, or Millie Bobby Brown who’s standing up for child rights.
Here are 7 habits that would help you to become a mentally strong woman.
The change has to begin within your own self – and once you nurture your mental strength, none can stop you!
1. Make time for yourself.
I know it’s easier said than done, and making time for yourself is probably something that you’ve been struggling to achieve.
As women, we are expected to take care of our families and look after our kids, manage our work and home, ensure that everyone’s getting healthy meals, so on and so forth.
Amidst all of these, we often tend to ignore our own mental health. But it’s immensely important that you seek some ‘Me Time’ and focus on yourself.
Spending some time alone will not only bring positive changes in life, but it’ll also nurture your strength.
When you shift your focus away from everything else, taking time out of your hectic schedule, and concentrate on your mind, body, and soul – you’d realize your hidden potentials.
2. Be in love with yourself.
“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” – Lucille Ball.
In order to nurture your mental strength, you need to be in love with yourself. When you love yourself, you will be confident enough to handle anything that comes your way.
Indulge in taking care of yourself, wear clothes that make you feel beautiful, eat good food and talk to people who imbibe positivity in you.
Once you are comfortable in your own skin, you’d stop seeking appreciation/ validation from others.
Self-love will motivate you to achieve your goals and generate a sense of completeness, which will make you a stronger woman.
3. Don’t hesitate to express yourself.
In order to be a strong woman, you should be courageous enough to express yourself without bothering about what others will think.
Sometimes, we tend to avoid saying something, thinking that others might get hurt or feel bad – instead, we tolerate certain things, trading off with our mental peace.
Well, to be honest, staying silent is a sign of weakness. If you notice that something isn’t right, or there’s injustice happening – make sure to raise your voice and stick to your moral values.
No matter whether it’s anger or fear, concern or love, respect or hatred – don’t hesitate to express your feelings.
4. Eliminate toxic people from your life.
“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” ― Joel Osteen.
In order to be mentally strong, you need to get rid of the negativity from your life and know your self-worth.
There are a lot of people who don’t believe that we can achieve something big or don’t align with our thought process.
It’s okay to eliminate the toxic people who aren’t adding any values to life. Avoid hanging around people who are always gossiping about others, comparing you with someone else, or trying to make you believe that you aren’t capable of something.
Learning to implement healthy boundaries is a stepping stone towards building your mental strength – and as a strong woman, you should always focus on positive conversations & mindful behaviors.
5. Set goals and celebrate your achievements.
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
As humans, we are all aware of our dreams. If you know what your goals are, then you’re already a step ahead of others who are still struggling to ensure if their dreams are worth fulfilling or not.
A strong woman knows exactly where she wants to be and has a plan on how to get there. You can start with setting small goals (which would be stepping stones in the path of achieving something bigger) and take action accordingly.
Once you achieve something – no matter how small it is – make sure to celebrate it. And in case you fail, re-evaluate yourself and try again until you make it. Believe in yourself and know that hard work never goes in vain.
6. Enjoy your independence.
A strong woman is independent and takes responsibility for all her decisions & actions. And when I mention ‘independence’ – it essentially means mental, emotional, as well as financial independence.
Whether it’s about managing your work or taking care of your finances, setting out for a solo trip, or buying that car you’ve always wanted to – you shouldn’t depend on anyone else or seek anyone’s permission to fulfill your dreams.
Know that you are good enough to tame your mind (meditation will be helpful), control your emotions (start journaling) and manage your finances (so that you don’t have to ask for anyone’s help).
You should be responsible for your life choices and believe in your potential to overcome any challenges that might come your way.
7. Focus on happiness.
One of the best habits of mentally strong women is that they know what makes them happy!
While most people are chasing success, I believe that it’s more important to focus on happiness and cherish every moment of life to the fullest.
When we are happy, we tend to be more compassionate towards others and we become more creative, energetic, and witty.
Through our own happiness, we tend to give something to other people too, enabling them to feel happy as well. Needless to say, if you are happy, you can set out and change the world.
It is important to note that despite gender roles and social conventions, we have stepped up and risen above the expectations of others, gained the courage to make progress in showing the world that even we are worthy of making a change.
If you are looking forward to finding your inner strength, then don’t procrastinate any further.
While embracing all these habits at one go might seem difficult, you can start with one.
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