Mental Health
6 Simple Tips How To Cultivate Contentment in Your Life

Happiness is not depends on the external accomplishments but can be cultivated by some conscious choices. Here are some simple tips how to cultivate contentment in life.
Contentment is the most sought-after thing in life, but unfortunately, not many people possess this treasure.
Whether it is the riches a person is seeking, fame, or intelligence, one common thing everyone wants is for their heart to be at peace.
Our paths are different, but we unknowingly strive for the same goal. But what if we are looking for it in the wrong places?
Regardless of where we stand, contentment is more about being satisfied with who we are and what we have in life.
It means you don’t have to hit every milestone to be peaceful. If you dwell on a feeling of dissatisfaction despite all your efforts, consider following these tips to lead a better and more contented life.
1. Forgive Yourself for Your Past Mistakes:
There might be some figment of your past that continues to haunt you or a wrong turn that has inflicted life-altering consequences.
No matter what has passed by, self-forgiveness is crucial to your journey of healing and to separating your identity and individuality from the mistakes you have made.
Without it, you will not be able to stir positive changes and improve your emotional well-being.
For instance, if some event of the past has led you to substance abuse, you might find yourself caught in its vicious circle and unable to escape.
The first step to breaking this trap is to forgive yourself for what you have done and have eyes for improving the future. Without letting go of the past, you cannot invest your energy in rectifying the mistake.
Once you finish your rivalry with yourself, you can browse your options for restoring your sobriety. For example, you can visit to go through the treatment options and choose the one that suits you the best.
Fixating emotions of guilt, anger, and shame can damage your physical and mental integrity, causing heart problems and depression.
The crucial thing to understand here is that making a mistake does not lower your stature as a human, but the attitude afterward serves as a deciding factor.
So try not to beat yourself up for what you did, acknowledge your feelings without judgment, and see how you can avoid repeating the action.
2. Do not Compare Yourself to Anyone:
Every person has a journey in life that can not match anyone else’s. Comparing yourself to others will only rob you of your contentment, as there will always be people who will look better than you.
Your age fellow might have achieved milestones and would be well settled in life, while you might still be in the struggling phase.
On top of that, the impact of social media has not helped matters. It gives us misconceptions about success and perfection, resulting in the stress of doing enough to make your life look similar.
One thing to remember here is that we tend to compare our worst parts to the best assumptions we have made about others.
Moreover, there is always more than what meets the eye, and no one’s life is as perfect as our mind makes it out to be.
There can be unseen voids. Life is a journey, and everyone gets there eventually. Once you come to terms with this fact, contentment will find its way home.
3. Give a Helping Hand to Others:
While we think about what matters to us, we keep ourselves as the center. However, finding contentment goes beyond the confines of ‘me.’
It is something above and beyond. The feeling that someone out there is living a better life because of you is unmatched.
This euphoric feeling of compassion and kindness will push away the negative emotions that drive contentment out of your heart.
It will create a positive feedback loop where doing good acts will make you feel good, and your feeling of goodness will motivate you to act positively.
Moreover, materialistic possessions only give your mood a temporary boost. When you streamline your resources for philanthropic purposes, you will find pursuits more rewarding than worldly possessions.
You do not need to go big at once. Start small but remain consistent, and helping others will become second nature to you soon. When that happens, try incorporating social work into your lifestyle.
Whenever you see an opportunity to help, ask yourself if you can contribute in any way. If you can contribute and are willing to help, you will find contentment around the corner.
4. Find Refuge in Nature:
Have you ever seen your elders reminiscing about how people were more contended and happier when lives were simpler?
We often relate it to times without technological storms, when in reality, it is nature that is the takeaway in all the tales.
Just like the colorful flora and fauna we observe around us, the magnificent mountains and deep waters, man is as much a part of nature as any of these marvels.
That is why the appreciation for nature is rooted in our genes. Spending time in solitude surrounded by nature has a healing effect and eases our taut nerves.
It reduces negative emotions and increases pleasant feelings. If you observe closely, there is a message of hope in every aspect of nature, whether the rising sun or the lifeless branches of trees bursting into colors.
So incorporate nature therapy in your routine, follow what nature preaches, and you will be on your way to a contended heart.
5. Appreciate Small Things in Life:
We all wait for that one big thing to happen in our life that would change its course for the better. However, the little things matter the most but are the ones we take most for granted.
Lost under the burden of tight schedules and impending deadlines, we forget to appreciate the little beauties that nurture and anchor us to life.
So take a moment to acknowledge a small gesture of kindness someone shows you, savor a memorable event, enjoy good weather, and celebrate small achievements.
Although unfavorable events might not stop, you will learn not to over-emphasize their meaning and effect in life. Appreciating little things also means practicing gratitude.
In the fast lane of life, it is wise to slow down and acknowledge all the amazing little things that pass by in our haste.
6. See Failures as a Means of Growth:
We all love hearing success stories. We dwell on them, but what goes unsaid are the stories of failure and instances of stumbling that are behind every success.
Unachieved goals, ungranted wishes, broken things, and lost time make the recipe for success. It is only the epitome of a long bumpy path of patience, pain, and sadness. It is easy to be disheartened when standing behind a closed door.
So instead of considering yourself a lost cause after a failure, accept it as a part of life and be content that life will show you brighter days once you embrace it.
So instead of going hard on yourself, see failure as a means of growth and appreciate how far you have made it. Once you change your perspective about failures, embracing and learning from them will be easier.
While we usually associate contentment with worldly possessions, it is more about our approach toward life and less about where we stand.
If you look for it in the right places, you will discover your innate ability for happiness that hides under distress and disappointment.
So wherever you may be and whoever you are, contentment is not as far away as it might seem. Turn in the right direction, and it will flow right through you.
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