How to Make Most of Your 20s

Wondering how to make the most of your 20s? Well, there’s a lot you can do – fall in love with yourself, keep your friends closer, and travel the world.
Have you just stepped out of your teens and wondering how to live your 20s to the fullest?
Or maybe you’re already there, lived a few years, and contemplating about bringing a change to life?
Or probably, you’re almost towards the end and feel like you’ve missed out a lot.
No matter what, remember that these are the most precious years of your life – and it’s never too late to learn, experience, and grow.
Over the last 10 years, I’ve learned some beautiful lessons from life (yeah, you got me there! I’m about to turn 30 in another couple of months, and now that I look back, my 20s look like chapters filled with incredible stories!) and here I am, to share a bit of wisdom with you.
Here are a few things that you must keep in mind, to make the most of your 20s:
Tips to make the most of your 20s:
1. Indulge in self-care.
“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” – Robert Morley.
This is the best time to turn inwards and indulge in self-care activities. Later in life, you will be glad you focused on general well-being in your 20s.
Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, take 10-minutes out of your schedule to meditate, maintain a gratitude journal, eat healthy food (but treat yourself with occasional pizzas and ice cream!), move your muscles, and exercise regularly.
Take yourself out on coffee dates, read more books, write letters to your loved ones, go for a spa – indulge in doing things that make you happy.
Once you are happy in your own company, nothing else can bother you much – and this is one of the biggest mantras that you need to remember.
2. Learn new skills and master them.
“The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.” – B.B. King.
Your 20s is the time when you don’t have much baggage, and you still have the privilege (and time) to explore who you are, what you really like and things you are passionate about, what you plan to do with your life, how you’re going to make a living, etc.
Well, this also is the perfect phase to learn new skills – from gardening to photography, from cooking to driving, so on and so forth. Once you try out new things, you might discover your passion and follow it for good.
3. Build meaningful relationships.
“You do not need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of.” – Itzik Amiel.
Throughout school and college, we end up making a lot of friends, feeling we’d stay in touch forever!
But in reality, that doesn’t happen. People tend to drift apart – for various reasons, and as we grow older, we realize that those who’re truly our ‘friends’, would stick around, no matter what.
Now is the time to drop your fair-weather friends and to invest in matured (and meaningful) relationships, create bonds with those who lift you higher and make time for those who fill your life with positivity & happiness.
4. Travel.
“It’s a big world out there. It would be a shame not to experience it.” – J. D. Andrews.
Traveling in your 20s would be the best way to experience all that the world has to offer, and learn some valuable lessons from your journeys.
This is the time when you are full of energy and enthusiasm, and you also have the independence to indulge your wanderlust cells.
Set out to see new countries, meet new people and learn their language, experience new cultures and walk down the lesser-known trails.
When I turned 25, I made a long checklist, quit my job, and set out on a solo trip, with a backpack to tick off all the places that I wished to see.
It turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life, and for the last 4 years, I’ve seen some gorgeous destinations, spotted the Big 5 in Kenya, woke up to see the Himalayan peaks at a hidden village in Ladakh (India), dived deep to get closer to the marine life in Thailand, and witnessed the beauty of the Twelve Apostles in Australia.
5. Stop caring about what people say.
“Confidence is contagious. So is a lack of confidence.” – Vince Lombardi.
Our teens pass by listening to our parents & teachers and living a life under their guidance. But when we hit the 20s and start doing things on our own, we witness a lot of hurdles on the way, some leading to failures and heartbreaks.
We tend to seek validation for our actions and worry a lot about what others will think/say about us.
Well, let me tell you this – it doesn’t matter what anyone else has to say about you, as long as you are true to yourself and confident of your actions.
Bothering about others’ thoughts can be extremely overwhelming at times, and attract a lot of negativity.
Their reactions shouldn’t hinder your process of growth – and thus, it’s the best time to stop caring about what people think/say and live life on your own terms.
6. Spend time with parents.
“When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this Earth.” – Mitch Albom.
I understand that there’s an immense urge to be free and live independently, chasing your dreams and ticking things off your bucket list.
But at the same time, it’s also important to remember that your parents are getting old and they won’t be there forever. So, spend as much time as you can with them, share your thoughts and feelings, listen to their stories, and know what they did when they were of your age.
You can also take a trip and explore a new place together. If you live in a different city/ country, make sure to visit them during the festivals or maybe on their birthdays. Your little gestures would mean a lot to them, and you’ll end up being happier.
7. Live in the moment.
“Forever is composed of now.” ― Emily Dickinson.
Caught in the hustle and bustle of life, we often miss out living each moment to the fullest. We are either too busy thinking about the past or making plans for the future – that we ignore the present.
We always end up taking life for granted, as we are never taught to prioritize this moment – ‘NOW’, when we are breathing and are alive.
I was around 22 years old, when a friend told me about Vipassana – a 10 days Meditation Course, that changed my life.
I learned the importance of conscious breathing, and to appreciate the fact that I am blessed to live this moment, as well as the mantra of ‘impermanence’. It also helped me to enjoy the little things of life and made me more grateful.
8. Spend thoughtfully and start saving money.
“He who buys what he does not need, steals from himself.” – Swedish Proverb.
The 20s is the time when you start earning and feel like doing all that you couldn’t do earlier. You’d tend to overspend on clothes and accessories, weekend parties, and other random things.
But it’s always good to be mindful about your expenses – and to indulge in experiences rather than accumulating tangible things.
Most of the time, we grow out of interest and end up not using half of what we purchase. Instead, if you take a trip and see the world, it’ll make more sense to you.
Or maybe, donate something to an old age home or contribute towards something more meaningful.
Also, this is the best time to start saving money. It doesn’t have to be a big amount, but you can invest small amounts every month.
Do some research to know where to invest (mutual funds, cryptocurrency, etc), or talk to someone who can guide you for good.
Starting to save early in life will definitely gonna help you later in life, and if any sudden financial crisis arises, you’ll be in a position to provide for yourself.
9. Know that you are enough.
“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” ― C.G. Jung.
In your 20s, there will be various occasions of self-doubt – you’d feel insecure about your feelings, have the fear of failure, struggle with your career, and wonder if you are good enough as a friend/ partner, etc.
But don’t let those thoughts grow in you. Know that you are stronger than you think you are and you can deal with anything that life throws at you.
As long as you are true to yourself and on the path that will help you achieve your dreams, there’s nothing that should stop you.
And in case you feel weighed down, talk to someone you trust or seek professional help.
10. Love yourself.
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Gautama Buddha.
As I grew older, I realized that self-love is extremely important and none can love us more than ourselves.
When we seek love from others, it mostly comes with some expectations of getting loved back. But loving oneself is definitely the most satisfying.
You need to be comfortable in your own skin, accept your flaws and believe that you’re your best critic. If you don’t like anything about yourself, make an effort and try to change it slowly.
Nurture your self-confidence, do things that make you feel happy, talk to people who help you to feel good about yourself. Stick to your values and live up to your dreams.
This decade is surely gonna be one of the best of your life, and you’ll always look back to cherish your youth.
Don’t worry about making mistakes; try and fail, but get up and try again; fall in love and laugh out loud.
Take that random trip with friends, leave a note for your parents, quit the job you hate and be mindful of your actions.
You’ll sure grow wiser with each passing day and by the time you are all set to hit your 30s, you’ll have some valuable lessons to share with others who’re younger than you.
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