Mental Health
9 Tips How To Transform Your Negative Mindset

To become more positive towards life, you have to step out of negative thinking. While it might sound difficult, it’s nothing like rocket science! Here are a few simple ways that can help you transform your negative mindset.
“Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.”
― Roy T. Bennett.
The way we see the world and perceive everything around us reflects our mental attitude. If we are generally happy, we would tend to see things in a better light.
Similarly, if the attitude is essentially negative, we would end up finding flaws in everything, be stressed in all situations, and keep worrying unnecessarily.
It can have greater impacts on our health, career, family, and other relationships.
To say the least, negative thoughts can have a spiraling effect, attracting more negative thoughts that would go on in a loop!
Thus, in order to change your negative thoughts, it’s important to understand how you think now and then shift your focus slowly, towards a more positive way of thinking.
Tips to transform your negative mindset are:
1. Observe your thinking pattern
We can only solve a problem when we identify it. One of the first steps to change your negative thoughts into positive ones is by observing the pattern of thoughts.
For example, if you start thinking about yourself as a complete success or failure in every situation – that means you’re thinking in ‘black and white’.
It’s important to understand that often there are grey areas as well, where good and bad become relative.
Whenever there is a negative thought, you’ll tend to overthink or reach a hasty conclusion. Take time to observe those thoughts and slowly shift your focus from black to grey and then to white.
2. Meditate
Meditation helps in relaxing our mind, bringing our consciousness to the present. Needless to say, it’s one of the simplest ways to get rid of our negative thoughts, by diverting our attention to our breathing.
Meditation will not just help in reducing stress and anxiety, but it’ll also bring clarity to your thoughts. While you meditate, you’ll learn how to view your thoughts and feelings as objects floating past you that you can stop and observe or let it pass by, without affecting you.
Focusing on mindful breathing would also encourage you to cherish this moment, shedding all your worries and negative thoughts.
Mediation isn’t as easy as it may sound, but if you practice sitting calmly by yourself for at least 5 minutes every day, it’ll soon become your habit and you’ll slowly understand how to focus on your breathing, by clearing your thoughts.
3. Write about negative thoughts
Overthinking leads us to more worries, hence pouring your negative thoughts on paper can be of real help at times of distress.
Therapists often suggest thought journaling as a part of CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) as it helps in channelizing our thoughts at times when our back hits the wall!
Writing about the things that are bothering you will help you pour out your emotions and irrational thoughts, letting you look at things with a more positive mindset.
When your thoughts are out of your mind, in front of your eyes, you’ll be able to see them in better lights, comprehend things more clearly, and move forward.
“Be positive. Your mind is more powerful than you think. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.” – Tony Dungy.
4. Cherish the simple joys of life
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we tend to pick up so much baggage that we forget to enjoy the simple things.
When your mind gets cluttered with negative thoughts, try to shift your focus towards the little things that you enjoy. Think of the good things in life – what is it that never fails to make you smile?
It can be anything – listening to some soulful music, baking a cake, gardening, or stepping out for a walk amidst nature.
Indulge in doing something that you love, and you’ll soon see a change in your mood and thoughts.
5. Communicate with positive people
When dark thoughts start accumulating, try communicating with someone who can help by pulling you out of it.
We all have at least one such friend who is a storehouse of positivity and happiness, and would always listen to us when we’re in trouble.
Talk to that person. Tell them about your problems – everything that’s bothering you, without hesitating much. Spending time with positive people leaves a lasting impact on our minds.
When we try to suppress our negative thoughts, they tend to multiply. Thus it’s important to be transparent and have heart-to-heart conversations.
6. Help someone
Being compassionate and helping others can be a great way to shift your focus towards positive thoughts.
When we help others without expecting anything in return, our body secretes the dopamine hormone which instills a sense of happiness. Also, it’s important to step out of your comfort zone at times, to do something for others.
“Do not allow negative thoughts to enter your mind for they are weeds that strangle confidence.” – Bruce Lee.
7. Face your negative thoughts
All this while, I’ve been suggesting ways in which you can avoid/ overcome your negative thoughts but now, let’s get more practical. Sometimes, it might not be easy to shift your focus, no matter how much you try.
The best thing to do at that point would be to face the thoughts, and ask yourself certain questions – Will overthinking help me to get out of this situation?
How am I affecting my work/relationships by thinking negatively? What benefits would I receive from engaging in positive thoughts?
What costs are associated with thinking more positively? – Facing your thoughts and seeking answers to these questions will eventually lead you to a decluttered mind.
8. Practice gratefulness
Expressing gratitude might seem underrated but it’s the essential key for a happy life. With every passing day, we grow a little bit and become stronger by facing what life has in store for us.
Hence, it is important to not take things for granted, to recognize all the good things around us and appreciate them.
When we practice gratitude, we are also building emotional resilience – which enables us to handle adversities and stay in the moment.
Maintaining a gratitude journal can be really helpful, and once you’re into it, you’ll look forward to jotting down your moments of joy.
9. Create your daily ‘Positivity Routine’
The way we spend our days directly impacts our thought processes. If you are too burdened with work, you’d eventually struggle to balance your relationships, lose your temper and be anxious all the time.
Everything is interconnected in our lives, and to be at peace, we need to sort things well. To start with, you can create a daily ‘positivity routine’ that would encompass your mental, spiritual & physical wellbeing.
Each morning, as you wake up, try to meditate for at least 10 minutes and focus on the person you want to be, the quality of life you want to live, and what makes you happy.
Followed by this, make a list of things that you wish to do in the day, keeping enough ‘Me time’ for yourself.
Fix small goals and celebrate once you achieve them. Find your passion and follow it with your heart.
Related: Start your ideal morning routine in just 7 steps
I know that when we start to have negative thoughts, it’s hard to stop them. But there’s nothing that you can’t do, and practicing mindful living will surely pave the way for positive thoughts.
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