Self Care
8 Signs To Know That You Really Love Yourself

If you’ve always prioritized others over yourself, now is the time to bring a change. Love yourself while indulging in self-care activities and feel the bliss.
There has been a very popular saying – “If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love others.”
This statement might appear to be very simple, but it carries deeper meanings which can only be realized once you truly start loving your own self.
Before I go into discussing what are the signs that reveal you’re in love with yourself, I would like to share a personal anecdote.
I’ve always been overweight (thanks to my genes!) since childhood and have been bullied for it as well. But as I was growing up, I was becoming more conscious about my body and it somehow started affecting my mind.
I tried to hit the gym, worked out and followed a strict diet – although I lost some weight, but I wasn’t at peace within myself. Something kept bothering me.
It took me years to feel comfortable in my own skin, to get over the body issues and to accept myself as I am. I realized that my worth isn’t how my body appears to be, but how I am as a person.
As I started looking at myself in better lights, slowly by confidence also got enhanced – and when I first donned a bikini, it felt as if my obesity didn’t even matter.
Looking into the mirror, I felt beautiful and it helped me embrace myself as I am.
The point is, let none tell you what your worth is – rather, know that you are the best and nothing can bring you down.
Waking up every morning, appreciate this life and all that you’re blessed with. Listen to your body and mind, as you take decisions and act in life.
There’s nothing more blissful than being in love with your own self.
Below are the signs to know you love yourself:
1. You don’t hesitate to indulge in self-care.
If you enjoy going on vacations all by yourself or take a break from work to go to a spa, or just walk in the garden soaking in the beauty of nature and feeling the goodness of life – you know what I mean when I talk about self-love.
Yeah, one of the very first signs of self-love is to care for yourself. Once you learn the best self-care activities for coping with life and keep all the negativity at bay, you’d automatically fall in love with your true self.
The act of self-care helps us to reconnect with ourselves as well as elevates our self-confidence whereby we can unwind beautifully in all aspects of life with a clear mind and understand the importance of prioritizing our own well-being.
2. You know your boundaries.
When you’re in love with yourself, you stop being a people pleaser and know your boundaries well.
It is important to draw a line between what serves our interests and what doesn’t, but often, people fail to do so and succumb to the choices of others – sometimes unwillingly.
As you start prioritizing yourself, you’d learn to say ‘No’ to things that you don’t wanna be a part of or to ideas that don’t bring you peace.
Once you start loving yourself enough, you would know how much you’re capable of handling and set your boundaries accordingly.
It is important to listen to yourself and the rest would fall in place!
3. You don’t need validation from others.
Most of the time, we dress up for others, thinking how someone else will like our dress or how they’d compliment us. It’s common human nature to seek validation from others, for everything we do.
Even though we achieve something, we tend to look forward to others’ appreciating us. However, once you start loving yourself enough, you wouldn’t require anyone else’s validation.
If someone doesn’t approve of what you’re doing or doesn’t align with your choices, you wouldn’t care.
When we are completely in love with ourselves, it doesn’t matter what the world thinks about us – what really matters is how we perceive ourselves.
So, wear that dress because you love it – not because someone else would appreciate it.
4. You have a strong sense of purpose
Knowing the purpose of your life is intrinsically attached to self-love. It’s important for every human being to find the purpose of life and to live more meaningfully, aiming to fulfill those purposes.
And when you know what your purpose in life is, you’d tend to love yourself more.
Finding the purpose in life helps in motivating us to perform better, to be more passionate about reaching our goals, to have clarity about what’s important and what’s not.
In case you feel like you are unsure about your purpose in life, take a break and spend some time on self-care.
Fall in love with your existence as you recharge your mind, body, and soul while seeking a purpose and then put in your best efforts in fulfilling it.
5. You understand the value of well-being & take care of your mind, body and soul.
Eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, practising yoga and meditation, going out for walks, reading mindful books, journaling etc., are all signs of good living and they show that you are conscious about your well-being.
While most people focus on physical fitness, it is equally important to nurture our mind and cleanse our soul for a fulfilling life.
When you do little things for your own self and go out of your way to stay strong – both mentally & physically – it means that you understand your self-worth and you are ready to offer the best of yourself, every single day.
As your mind and body are in sync, you’ll fall in love with yourself, more than ever.
6. You choose to be happy.
Being happy is more important than being successful, and once you know the mantra of being happy, nothing in the world can pull you down.
Life is a mix of good and bad things, but when we are in love with ourselves, we embrace both and choose to see the positive side of everything.
Finding happiness for yourself every day means that you know you deserve all the good the world has to offer.
When you are in love with yourself, you’ll feel grateful for everything around you and know how to find joy in all those little things.
7. You are aware of your strengths and weaknesses.
Well, it’s extremely important to know your strengths and weaknesses in order to grow beautifully.
While our strengths help us in achieving our goals, our weaknesses often pull us back – but that doesn’t mean we can be ignorant towards them.
When you’re in love with yourself, you accept your weaknesses with an open mind and work towards improvement.
If you wish to work on your weaknesses, reach out for help without hesitating much. When you aren’t scared of accepting your drawbacks and mistakes, they turn to be the stepping stones for learning something new.
8. You are confident to follow your passion.
You have only one life and you must live it to the fullest. If you love and believe in yourself, you’ll be confident enough to reach out and achieve your goals, fulfill your dreams, grab all opportunities and shape your life the way you want it to be.
Self-love requires you to put yourself first and once you do so, others around you will also start believing in your passion and potential. One can never be happy by living life according to others.
If you can connect to all the above-mentioned points, then my dear friend, you’re actually in love with yourself and that’s the most amazing thing in the world.
Look at the mirror and smile ‘coz you’re beautiful and unique in your own way. Everyday, do something for your own self – no matter how small that can be.
Feel the love for yourself and enjoy being in your own skin – because it makes you who you are!
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