How You Can Heal Your Body From Regenerative Detoxification

What is regenerative detoxification? Is it like any other detox? How does it work and how does it encourage the body to heal itself?
As we live in a world bombarded with a plethora of options to get our hands on the latest supplement, fad diet, health trend or the tastiest restaurant in town. It’s hard to make choices that are right for our body and feel good from a consciousness standpoint.
More than ever before, we are so concerned about our health and livelihood but have fallen for the pleasure trap of what tastes good and what we ‘think’ is good for our body, mind and soul.
As a regenerative detoxification specialist, I learnt to navigate through my own healing journey through various detoxification protocols but not one like a regenerative detox.
What makes regenerative detox different from any other detox is addressing your body from a holistic perspective targeting all systems, not just an organ.
For instance, the liver has been overemphasised as the organ that requires detoxification from The Medical Medium and Chinese Medicine, however if one organ isn’t functioning at its optimum, it impacts the function of other organs and systems and there are other organs and systems that are impacting the liver because they are not performing at their best due to obstructions such as acidosis, parasites, mould, inflammation and stagnation.
This is why regenerative detox is needed to address all organs and systems to bring themselves back to balance and harmony. As we trash ourselves with processed foods, herbicides and pesticides from fruits and vegetables in mass chain grocery stores, preservatives and food colouring from packaged foods that label themselves as a ‘health conscious’ brand and heavy metals from tap water and vaccines, it creates an acidic environment in the body for illness to thrive.
You need to create an alkaline state for optimum health as well as focusing on addressing other aspects of your life.
This epic guide is an easy summary of how you can use regenerative detoxification as a tool from your self-care kit to heal your body from the inside out, feeling lighter and brighter with exuberant energy whilst leading a sustainable and conscious lifestyle.
Regenerative Detoxification 101
1. Apply A Holistic Approach
Look into the different facets of your life that are contributing to your health. Optimal health is a flow of every part of your being in a high state of balance and function such as your:
- physical body,
- mental health
- emotional support
- spiritual connection
- energy levels
- environment (professional and personal spaces).
Write these 6 areas of your life into 6 columns and note down bullet points that need to be improved for you to feel at your best. Then write down what actions that you need to take to make it happen.
For instance, ENERGY LEVELS – I feel tired and drained after work despite having 3 cups of coffee. New action: I will have a 1 hour lunch break and 2 mini breaks during the day and replace coffee with herbal tea.
This is how you can sustain your energy levels without the reliance on caffeine and wasting your energy. Look for the long-term approach to your health to reap lifetime benefits. You can learn more in my free webinar, Make A Comeback From A Health Crisis.
2. Consume Living Foods
Know the source of your food and how it’s being made. It’s easy to opt for the cheapest item on the shelf that promises all of these amazing benefits but have you taken the time to read the ingredients on the label?
Are there any preservatives, chemicals, artificial flavours and colourings? What about the water you drink? Everything you put in your body contributes to the state of your body today.
Stick to organic fruits, salads and vegetables as they are full of nutrients, energy and consciousness that your body needs to thrive in an alkaline state.
As you start this detoxification process, it’s important and wise that you transition your current diet to a plant based diet to prepare you to move into raw living foods and eventually to just fruits.
It is restrictive because you’re giving your body a break from working hard to digest highly acidic foods that are causing acidosis in the body such as inflammation, tight muscles, stiff joints and migraines etc.
Learn more about how the impact of dairy and meat consumption deteriorates the body and slows down recovery in Olympians on my YouTube channel.
Why fruits? They are full of electrolytes so you feel less need to drink water and they light up the nervous system with flavonoids. They also bring the body back to its natural state which is alkaline as the natural acids from fruits act as astringents pulling the toxins and acids out of your organs, tissues and joints to be eliminated through the urine.
This is where the power of true detoxification occurs in order for the body to regenerate, rest and revive. You can find this information from one of my teachers, Dr Robert Morse in his book, The Detox Miracle Sourcebook.
Water fasting can be incorporated once you have completed your fruit detox but it’s important to determine how many days you wish to water fast and be on fruits for as it requires a lot of preparation to do this and to slowly come out of it.
I do recommend seeking guidance and personalised support from a detox specialist to create a personalised program for your concerns and needs and how to navigate through this healing experience for the mind, body and soul.
3. Rewire Your Genetics
You were born with the genetics of your ancestors, particularly of your mother and here’s why. If the mother hasn’t detoxed her body properly prior to her pregnancy, the foetus inherits what the mother has so let’s say the mother has parasites like tapeworms and maggots which we all do (and from meat consumption too), that is passed down to her baby.
If the mother has gone through a regenerative detoxification properly, she will have cleared up her systems and removed obstructions in her body to have better genes to then pass down to her baby.
The root cause of postpartum depression is calcium deficiency in mothers from weak parathyroid glands because the baby is taking the mother’s calcium. It’s important for the mother to go through a regenerative detoxification as she breastfeeds the baby to rebuild her body.
The baby will be detoxing from the mother’s breast milk which is what the baby needs to start strengthening its genetics.
4. Slow Down and Self-Care
Not only are you physically detoxing the body but you are also detoxing your emotions and the mind. The cells in our body hold trauma which is referred to as psycho-somatics meaning mind body connection.
For example, tightness in the neck means you like to be in control all the time and struggle to let things go. This is because of the emotional trauma you have experienced in your family dynamic or in a different social environment where you didn’t feel safe.
Allow the repressed emotions to rise and give yourself permission to feel it and let them go as your body no longer needs it anymore to feel safe.
Be generous and kind to yourself as you notice you feel sluggish in the beginning of your detoxification as your body is removing obstructions that aren’t needed before you start experiencing an abundance of energy as those obstructions are gone.
Please consult with your medical practitioner before making any changes to your current diet, medication and lifestyle. Information found on Life In Confidence or any of its media platforms is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on these platforms are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness.
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