Simple Ways To Boost Your Confidence In A Day

We all deserve to feel fully comfortable in ourselves and our bodies, although it can be difficult at times. Everyone has times when they don’t feel confident, however you don’t need to sit back and accept it as there are things that you can do!
We’re here with some ways that you can boost your confidence in a day, to help how you feel and your mental health.
Whilst it may not completely transform how you feel, as this can take longer when you’ve been struggling with your confidence, this is a great place to start to help you learn to love who you are and learn some self compassion.
Have A Wardrobe Clear Out
The first thing we’d recommend which can be really transformative is to have a wardrobe clear out. Often a lot of confidence issues can come from how we feel in our clothes, and when something doesn’t fit quite right or you’re not in love with something, it can really impact our confidence for the whole day.
So, set aside your afternoon and go through your wardrobe and drawers. Create a keep pile, then have a donate/sell pile. Anything that you know doesn’t make you feel great (it might be too tight, too big or not very flattering on you) and can’t be altered, put in your donate or sell pile.
As a society, we’re often hyperfocused on the number on the label rather than how something fits us, whereas in reality, we will feel so much more confident in something that fits really well but is a size bigger.
Once you’ve got your sell or donate pile, put anything you can on sites like Vinted and you can use the money you make to buy a few new pieces that fit you perfectly. Another thing we’d recommend is buying better quality clothes less often, as the feeling of wearing a great pair of jeans or top can really boost your confidence.
Overall, having a good wardrobe clearout and only keeping the clothes that make you feel incredible can really help with your confidence.
Book Some Health Checkups
Our next tip is to book some health check ups if there’s anything that is bothering you. Even if it’s something you consider small like not sleeping properly or you’re feeling slightly lethargic, when you just ignore it for a while then it can really add up and impact your confidence.
When you’re not feeling 100%, it can impact your whole day, and when this is happening often, it becomes an unhealthy pattern.
So, if you’re struggling with anything or don’t feel 100% like yourself, make sure to book an appointment to see your doctor, or if there’s anything else you’re a bit self conscious of, like bad breath, make sure to visit your dentist Wakefield or Wolverhampton based and they will be able to help.
You shouldn’t have to just accept something that is affecting your confidence, so go and book a few health check ups and see how you get on.
Take A Social Media Detox
Something else that can help with your confidence is to take a social media detox. Spending the day not on your phone can make a real difference, as it’s so easy to compare ourselves to everyone else, what they look like, what job they do, how many designer items they have, which then in turn impacts our confidence.
Spending some time away from these platforms can be really refreshing, to help you stop comparing yourself and just have a bit of a reset in general. You could use this time to focus on much more beneficial things, like a self care evening or spending time with positive friends who make you feel great, which will be so much better for your confidence and mental health.
Get A Good Night’s Sleep
Another thing that you can do to help boost your confidence today is to get a good night’s sleep. When you aren’t getting enough sleep (any less than 7-8 hours), it can really impact how you feel throughout the day.
So, focus on a nice relaxing pre-bed routine to help you relax, like reading your book or having a bath, rather than spending time on your phone, as this will help you to get to sleep easier.
Have a think about how you can add more sleep to your schedule, whether it’s going to bed an hour earlier or getting up an hour later, and this can make a big difference. When you have more energy and feel more alert, as well as giving your body time to rest and recover, you’ll naturally feel better in yourself.
Have A Mini Pamper Evening
Last but not least, you should treat yourself to a mini pamper evening. Sometimes even just the act of spending some time on yourself is enough to help you appreciate yourself and learn your worth.
However, the added benefit of a few pamper treatments can help too! Maybe you give yourself a manicure or pedicure, you have a nice hot bath with body scrub, you use your favourite body moisteriser, wash your hair and do a facemask.
These are all little things separately but when you spend a whole afternoon or evening on yourself and doing things that make you feel good, it will help to boost your confidence.
Of course, if you’ve got the budget, you could go for a little spa day or go to a nail salon to have some treatments done, yet this isn’t always necessary to help you boost your confidence.
Final Thoughts
We hope that we’ve helped you to find some simple ways to boost your confidence! Confidence does come from within, however there are some things you can do to help move along the process and to help you start feeling comfortable in your own skin. From clearing out your wardrobe to spending some time on your TLC, focus on building your confidence today and it’ll help you to start a positive journey towards self love.
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