13 Things You Should Remind Yourself Everyday

There are certain things you should remind yourself every day to make life a tad bit easier. Wake up and start your day on a positive note, everything else will seem beautiful.
In this 21st Century, when the world has already struggled its way out of a pandemic and we are all living our lives amidst the ‘new normal’, I’m sure that each of you reading this article is looking for ways to improve your lives – focusing on both mental & physical well-being.
We often tend to skip a meal while rushing for work, or forget to appreciate ourselves for something good that we did – and amidst the hustle & bustle of life, we miss out living in the moment.
No matter what other people say, you must always believe in yourself and know that your mind is seeking peace and there is power in what you say.
Here are a few things you should remind yourself everyday and they’ll become valuable habits for a lifetime.
1. “Today is a new day!”
Start your day by appreciating the fact that it’s a new day. Be grateful to wake up, to see the sunshine, to have a healthy start to the say.
It’s important to cherish the new beginning. Try to forget about all that happened yesterday and put in all your energy to make today the best day of your life.
2. “It’s okay to go slow.”
We all have the tendency to rush in life – but that never does any good. Remember, slow but steady wins the race – hence, take your own time to do your things.
Take one thing at a time and avoid multitasking, go slow and live every moment to the fullest.
Enjoy your breakfast before you start working, take time out to meditate in the evening, go for a walk if possible, call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. When you stop rushing, you’ll get to live in the present.
3. “It’s okay to make mistakes.”
We all make mistakes and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Without mistakes and failures, you don’t learn anything.
Don’t get bothered if people judge you, and know that your mistakes don’t define you. Your mistakes are a sign that you tried, and it’s important to learn from those mistakes so that you never repeat them in the future.
4. “Life is good.”
Do yourself a favor today – stop comparing your life with others! These days, we spend a lot of time scrolling through our social media feed and end up being sad for not having what others do.
But to be honest, you have enough and your life is good. You can’t keep comparing your happiness, family, health, and lifestyle with anybody else. Appreciating what you have will bring you a sense of happiness & satisfaction.
5. “It’s okay to say NO.”
You can’t always be a people pleaser – and it’s necessary to say ‘No’ at times. We often fall into a trap and sign up for things that we perhaps don’t feel like doing.
Denial won’t make you a bad person, instead, it’ll show your worth to people. Saying ‘no’ will essentially help you in establishing healthy boundaries and enable others to have clarity about what they can expect from you.
6. “Celebrate little victories.”
Keep smaller goals that you can fulfill one by one, throughout the day and celebrate the little victories. Eat your breakfast slowly and then, leave for work before time – treat yourself with some good music on the way to work.
If you finish an assignment before time, grab a cup of coffee to cherish it. If your child gets a good score, treat them. These little things make a big difference in our everyday lives.
7. “Drink enough water.”
While we have time for everything else, we often skip drinking enough water. If you aren’t hydrated well enough, you will not be able to function properly.
It’ll keep up your energy levels by avoiding fatigue, your brain will be more active and your overall health will be taken care of.
Drinking enough water will also prevent major kidney issues and help the digestive system to function properly. As they say, a healthy mind thrives in a healthy body!
8. “You’re worthy.”
Sometimes, we tend to forget our self-worth, while valuing other things. But in order to understand the true worth of love & happiness, you should learn how to love yourself in the first place. Cherish everything that you choose to do.
Believe in yourself and your actions. Remember that sometimes it’s not about what you want, but more about what you deserve.
Instead of a ‘to do’ list, make a list of ‘have done’, so that you can track all that you’ve already done. You don’t need validation from others, you must know your own worth and never settle for anything less.
9. “It’s okay to be alone.”
I know that it might seem scary to be alone – but understand that there’s a big difference between being alone and being lonely. Loneliness causes anxiety & depression, but when we are alone, we have more time to think and evaluate ourselves.
And sometimes, it is important that you take a step back, spend time with yourself (what we call ‘Me Time’), and appreciate the fact that this is the time you need to calm yourself down, heal and grow.
10. “It’s okay to ask for help.”
There are times when we need an extra push or just another hand to help us out of a situation, but we are hesitant to seek that help.
Well, it’s actually very important to acknowledge that not everything is fine and there’s no harm in admitting that you need some support.
We’re all humans and just like you’d want to help others, they might be eager to help you too. You just need to be flexible enough to ask for it and appreciate their cooperation.
11. “Let go.”
Loss, failure, heartbreak, etc are a part of our lives and I know that we often end up holding onto those feelings – which eventually causes more pain. The art of letting go needs to be practiced on a daily basis – it’s not something that you can master in a day!
Holding onto grudges can ruin your life. But once you realize that you deserve better, you’d slowly learn how to let go.
12. “Happiness is the key to life.”
We all deserve to be happy, and you shouldn’t let anything disrupt your happiness. Success and money wouldn’t make any sense if you are not happy.
You might have a job that pays you heavily, but if you feel stuck inside the office cubicle, that it wouldn’t make any sense at the end of the day. Make sure to be around people who lift you up and cares for your happiness.
Give yourself enough time to prioritize your wants & needs, so that you are happy in everything you do. Indulge in journaling, and keep a note of the happy moments. Life is too short to be sad.
13. “Life goes on.”
On some days, things will happen the way you planned but on other days, they might not! That’s how the universe works – and we can never really control everything. You need to be resilient and give yourself time.
Believe in the power of impermanence and go with the flow. And no matter what, life will go on – nothing stops for anyone or anything!
Having a conversation with yourself on a daily basis will help you to get closer to yourself. It has been proved that people who can master positive self-talk are thought to be more confident, motivated, and productive.
Hence, positive self-talk is known to be an essential tool for increasing your self-confidence and curbing negative emotions.
Start reminding yourself about these things and you’ll soon observe a paradigm shift in your life – as happiness will last longer & you’ll feel lighter even in the toughest of situations.
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