Mental Health
10 Simple Ways How To Make Time For Yourself

Wondering how to make time for yourself, while you’re stuck in your super-busy daily schedule? Here are some simple steps that can help you.
“Allow yourself to enjoy each happy moment in your life.” – Steve Maraboli
With the ‘Work From Home’ becoming the new normal, we are always engaged with something or the other – juggling between office chores, running errands at home, catching up with people and socializing, etc.
Amidst the hustle & bustle of our daily lives, we often forget to find that precious ‘Me Time’.
It has been proven that multitasking reduces human efficiency, putting us through stress and anxieties.
When we try doing everything at once, our brain gets overloaded and eventually, our productivity reduces.
Hence, it’s important that we shift our focus and concentrate on one thing at a time, take breaks and relax in between, indulge in self-care whenever possible, and nurture our mental, as well as physical well-being.
To put it in the words of Stephen Yates, ‘Simplifying your life can create extra time in your day’.
If you’ve been struggling with your daily schedule and wondering how to make time for yourself, then here are some simple steps that can help you to slow down and enjoy life.
Ways To Make Time For Yourself:
1. Start your day with a 5-minutes meditation session.
It’s always good, to begin with a small step – and what can be better than beginning your day with 5-minutes of mindfulness?
Just 5 minutes, and it’ll change the flow of your day. Sit at a quiet spot, relax your body and bring all your focus to your breathing.
Soak in the silence. Cherish the fact that you’re alive and healthy, on this beautiful morning, and be grateful.
2. Make a ‘To Do’ list and sort your schedule.
Often, we fail to allot time to particular tasks and end up hassling throughout the day. Experts say that setting a deadline is always good, as it keeps us on our toes and also motivates us to focus on the goals.
Before you get started with work, make a ‘To Do’ list and chalk out your day’s plan. In order to make time for yourself, it is important to fix your schedule and wrap up the work accordingly.
3. Learn to delegate work.
Most of the time, we take up more work than we can deliver, which leaves us worrying about how to manage things!
It’s time that you learn to delegate work. Sink in the fact that none of us can single-handedly cope up with everything, hence seeking help when needed will fetch us peace of mind,as well as give our body some time to relax.
It might be hard at first, but you’ll not only have more time, you’ll also feel less resentful of others burdening you with all the work.
Ask for help from family, friends, colleagues – and be grateful to them. It’ll also improve your bond with them, as they’ll understand you’re trusting them.
And once you’ve off-loaded your tasks, you’d eventually end up having time for yourself.
4. Say ‘No’ and save your time!
If you’re a people pleaser saying ‘Yes’ to everyone who seeks your help (or needs to get some work done) – then you’re compromising a lot in life!
It’s important to say ‘No’ to things that you don’t wish to be a part of, and refrain from whatever you don’t like doing.
It won’t hurt anyone, rather you’ll save a lot of time. Don’t feel guilty for denying something.
Know that your time is valuable, and hence, you must indulge in doing things that will add some value to your life.
5. Keep your things in place.
Living in a mess can eat up a lot of your time! It’ll be good to avoid those endless searches for misplaced essentials by allotting specific places for keeping things like your wallet, keys, important papers etc.
Decluttered spaces also helps us to think freely and concentrate better on work, apart from saving our time looking for our belongings!
6. Take a break from your gadgets.
Nowadays, we’re all addicted to our gadgets, constantly fiddling on the screen. Well, if you really wanna make time for yourself, you’ll have to step away from your phone and laptop.
Rather than replying to the mails or mindlessly scrolling your Insta-feed, take some time out for yourself and learn something new (maybe a new language, or some form of art, or to play a musical instrument). Getting away from distractions will help you in finding some ‘Me Time’.
7. Reconnect with nature.
Being around nature nurtures our mental, physical and emotional well-being. Whether it’s about taking a walk in a park or gardening in your balcony, try to add spending some time with nature in your daily schedule.
You can also learn little hacks of organic farming and grow your own food. Over the weekends, go for a short hike if possible and soak in the freshness, away from the chaos of the city. As you’ll reconnect with nature, you’ll get to reconnect with yourself as well.
8. Take a public transport while traveling.
Some of us love to drive, and we always prefer to commute in our own cars. But taking a public transport on your way to work, or while meeting someone, will give you the time to plan your day or do some reading, listen to music, or just to segregate your thoughts. To add to that, you’ll also benefit the environment, reducing your carbon footprints.
9. Go shopping in a bulk.
We all love to indulge in retail therapy, but if you have limited free time and that’s spent in shops running errands, then it might not be a pleasing experience.
Hence, it is advisable to always shop in bulk – especially when it comes to groceries, stationeries, medicines etc.
You can make a monthly list of things that you’d need and pick them up at once. For the rest, you can surely depend on online shopping (which might become addictive if you end up spending a lot of time doing that!).
10. Find value in whatever you’re doing.
Time is the most precious thing that you have and I’ve already mentioned that you should be doing things that adds value to your life.
Doing things just for the sake of it would have no meaning at the end of the day! When you think of spending time with yourself, try to figure out what your passion is, and what would make you feel happier.
You can spend your ‘Me Time’ by practising yoga, cooking or baking, or just by sitting alone, gazing at the stars. No matter what you do, if that makes you happy, then it’s surely worth your time.
“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.” – Jean Shinoda Bolen.
Final Thought
In our day to day lives, we take our roles – as an employee, as a mother/father, as a wife/husband, etc – very seriously!
Amidst all of that, we tend to lose ourselves and forget establishing a relationship with our own selves!
It’s only when you put an effort to make time for yourself, you’ll discover a new you and surely fall in love with that person.
List the things that make you feel like yourself and start doing them 🙂 You’d see a change that’ll be beautiful.
If there’s anything that we’ve missed out, drop us a comment below. We’d love to hear back from you.
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